GSU Blog Series: My Experiences, 4th Year

This is a series of blogs regarding Georgia Southern University, my alma mater. I attended GSU from the Fall of 2007 until May, 2012, when I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. These blogs will reflect facts and opinions in regards to various things I experienced, saw, or heard of while at GSU. 

I'm not a credible news source, however I do check my facts before writing them down. Below the blog, I credit the conversations with people, if any, that played a hand in shaping the body of this blog. If you have any issues with what is being said, please feel free to contact me.

So I've been sitting here for most of the day today thinking about this blog entry, trying to figure out what to write about. I want to talk about my college career, but at the same time there are some moments I can't remember exactly all the details of. So instead of making it up, I mostly try to go with the things I can wholly remember.

In this case though, nothing TRULY stands out about my 4th year in school.

Note, I should probably mention that I never consider this year to be my "Senior" year. I knew well before this that I was going to be in school for a total of 5 years after the major change. So I continued to truck on to total completion.

Probably the biggest thing was my roommate moving out after he graduated in December. Going in, I knew this was going to happen, so it wasn't a surprise. I wasn't really sure how he was going to get out of his lease though. We had separate leases for our apartment, and they were locked-in for 11 consecutive months from August through July. So him leaving in December presented an issue.

I was worried at first who would ultimately end up in the apartment, but I'd say I was pretty glad with the roommate I got. She was pretty awesome.

Yes. SHE.

I mean... no big deal.

She was a friend of ours through Tau Beta Sigma (TBS), and had come back to GSU for her Master's Degree. She needed somewhere to stay for the Spring Semester, and it worked out perfectly.

Plus, she brought pots and pans. : )

All-in-all, it was a good experience. Definitely different than the past. Our apartment was a bit more lively, but I got use to it quickly. And we definitely talked a lot about a LOT of things. Another friend of ours spent a lot of time there, to the point where I considered her to be "the unofficial 3rd roommate." I feel like I got to know her pretty well in this regard, and to this day I consider them both to be two of my great friends who I can trust.

I thought it would be weird at first... guy and girl living together... but it wasn't at all. I got over the weirdness about 60 seconds after she got to the apartment.

Just like with my first roommate, I was sad when she moved out. I mean, I knew it would only be temporary, but it still didn't lessen anything.

Actually, this was the last year of occupation in Apartment 821. There are a lot of memories in that apartment, a lot of things happened over time. It was my first apartment, my first place on my own in college.... so it's understandable that I had gotten a bit attached to the place. But, with no real options as far as anyone who could afford the rent and my reluctance for a random roommate, I moved into a 1-bedroom in Cambridge when my 2-bedroom lease ended in August. That in itself set up a lot of things for my Senior Year.

Outside of that, everything was pretty normal. I went to my 2nd TBS Southeast District Convention (this one in Athens, my first one was the previous year in Gainesville, Florida), I was completely living on my own in Georgia (Dad had moved the previous year back to California after he got married to my now-stepmother).... things were good.

I dunno why I don't remember a whole lot from this year. And unfortunately I don't have a lot of pictures to back that up. I'm sure exciting things happened, and I'm sure people will remind me of them later.

Tomorrow will be better. I definitely think my Senior year was the best that it could have been, by far.

Hopefully I'll get it out... you know... earlier.


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